On our way to the gym last night, we changed our minds and decided to hike instead of lift weights and work out indoors. Turned out great!
We bee-lined for Neff's canyon- a small canyon tucked into the Olympus Cove. While driving to the trail we always check out all the homes in that area. We love it up there, lots of trees with homes tucked in, great valley views, and Mount Olympus views you can't beat... one day.
The Neff's trail is no joke.... well either that or we are super out of shape... I'm leaning more towards the out of shape part. The trail is steep and rocky e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. Sort of to the point where it gets annoying since we were slipping and sliding all over the place.
We only did a short 3 miles, but we sure felt the burn walking up the steep path.
Plus I love how green and cool Neff's was.And you can't beat this valley view!
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