Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Just Monday

Monday was spent just relaxing. Because this weekend was no good. I have been worrying about being the only income provider with Aaron still looking for his dream job. Worried about having to pay $400 a month for him to be on my insurance. Worried about not putting enough money in my IRA right now. 

And then I got a flat tire Friday night.
A bad one too! So that was a $270 job because of course they found something else wrong with the air filter and I needed an oil change. 

Saturday night I was sick and miserable, throwing up for 4 hours instead of barbecueing with friends.

So Monday night Aaron and I relaxed after my long day at work. 

I made dinner.
Ate some leftover wedding cake... still delicious!

And we watched the Bachelorette together. 

Wish we could do it all over again. 

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