Friday, November 7, 2014

Last night

Last night we did nothing and I loved it. 

Our neighbors had tons of leftover Halloween candy, surprised us with a big bag on our doorstep. I've been binge eating that candy ever since. Its been the best slash worst thing. 
Aar definitely loved the skittles :)
About a month ago I had three really bad Diet Cokes in the span of one week. They tasted like they were missing the syrup. Being the nerd that I am, I wrote Diet Coke to tell them about my bad experience. Fast forward a month and they sent me this! Yahoo!
Aaron found this app where it can record your voice into a rap. Basically all you have to do it talk into it, and it converts your voice to a rap with background music. We were laughing all night long. Funniest thing everrrrrr.

Okay I lied about not doing anything. Mary came over and we painted for an upcoming craft show we are participating in. We are first timers at this so cross your fingers our table does well this December.

While we were waiting for the paint to dry, we did a 30 minute session of P90x, it made me feel a little bit better about all the candy I've been eating. 

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