Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Time is a funny thing.

Looking back it goes so quickly, but looking forward it takes too long.

I feel like am I always looking forward to Friday, to summer, to vacation, to the next phase in life.

Right now the phase I'm stuck on is the phase where we have lots of money and can travel and have a big house and not worry about finances. Not a bad thing to dream about eh?

But when Aar and I were dating and engaged I couldn't wait til we were married and on our own.... and here we are, married and on our own. Sometimes I think it's pretty boring, but when I really think about it, it's actually pretty great.

This is the only time of our lives where we can really focus on building our careers.

Where we can stay out late and sleep in, without having little kiddos waking us up too early.

Where we can get up and leave to go down south for the weekend and not have to worry about missing things.

Where we can go to the gym everyday after work and not feel guilty about it.

Where we don't have to worry about being in the kitchen and making a meal 3 times a day (Which will be soooo hard to do one day.)

So for now I will try to enjoy the moment...

Even those eeeearly plane rides to Denver for work each month.

Or scrounging around in our cupboards so we can continue to save our money like crazy people.

Because these moments make up my life, our life and it's up to me to make the best of it.

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