Thursday, June 18, 2015


We got back last week from spending a week in Park City. Although some people may think PC is the best in the winter, there is nothing like summer time in Park City, you just can't beat it.
Green lush mountains.

Perfect warm temperatures.

Alpine sliding.

Summer sales at the outlets.

Main Street.

It's theee best!

All but a handful of my dad's side of the family was there, pretty impressive since we are spread out all across the world. From Japan to Germany, the Caribbean to Boston, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia and Salt Lake, we had an impressive attendance.

The planners were sure on top of it, cause all week we were going strong. We started out with a family picture at a studio in Provo, and luckily it was right next to Swig, so we had to stop. After that we headed up to the Park City Marriot.

We had an awesome scavenger hunt, that included getting ice cream and Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
 Java Cow for the win!
 We almost won the Scavenger hunt, took 2nd place, not too shabby.
Each night we had "Heritage Night" where each of my uncles would take some time and spotlight one of our ancestors. Although sometimes they dragged on, I learned a lot of cool facts about my ancestors. They lived great lives, were so dedicated to the gospel, just awesome people and wanted the same for their posterity. I know they are cheering for me on the other side for sure.

Had so much fun playing minute to win it games. And yes my team did win. Go Dream Team!
 Got our family hats.
The Park City Marriot may just have the best hot tubs around, so much fun!
 Group pic with Spence, me, Michelle, Rob, Doug and Ashley. Took us about 10 shots and this is the best one. Hahaha
 We love the Alpine Slide! So much fun, even though the fast track is closed :(
I dropped about $200 at the Factory outlets(insert embarassed face emoji), but the sales at Jcrew, Gap and Polo were just too good! My mom was a champ and followed me around everywhere, she got some great things too. 

We also went to the Olympic Park to do the zipline, alpine slide and ropes course. I lasted about half the day before I got a really bad stomach flu. My mom drove me back to the condo and I barely made it! It was the absolute worst bug I've had in a long time. My mom and Spence were so sweet. And once Aaron came up after work he sat there with my for a while and watched me just sit there and cry. Luckily I made it through the day. 

It was so fun having my parents in town, we are always sad to see them leave! 

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