Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yes... Aliens

Even though it has been about five years (wow I'm getting old!), and sightings have since declined my mother still tells people Madi and I are crazy about aliens. Even though we have had few sightings since starting college, I'm still a believer.
Yes it is true that we met a guy named Abe Leon.
Yes it is true Abe was 17 years old and lived by himself.
Yes it is true that Abe had sketchy scars on his face.
Yes it is true we talked about aliens on the morning announcements in high school.
Yes it is true we dedicated a tree to aliens at girls camp.
Yes it is true we were almost in tears in Madi's circle one night looking up at a blinking red light.
Yes it is true we heard strange noises while laying on my tramp one night while none of the neighbors were out.
Yes it is true that we were voted most likely to be abducted by aliens our senior year. 
Yes it is true I have an alien ID Xanni bought at Dollar Tree when we were in Seventh grade with the name reading A. Leon.
Yes it is true that we saw aliens in the Garden Lodge Parking Lot (GPL).
Yes it is true we chases an alien down all the way from IHOP. 
Yes it is true that nobody still believes.


  1. You do remember when Abe Leon came to my house for dinner. . . doo doo doo doo(alien music)

  2. Oh Abe Leon.....He was for SURE not from the planet we call EARTH!! haha

  3. Seriously what are the odds he showed up for dinner?! So crazy!
