Thursday, April 2, 2020

Baby B is ONE! & Quarantine life

Our sweet little Baby Berkeley is ONE! 

She is so fun to have around, and we can't imagine life any other way!

Her birthday was a little.... okay a lot different then we had planned. 

It fell on a Friday, which was perfect since Fridays are my days off work. 

My parents were supposed to be in town. 

I had planned to take her to get pizza, go swimming or see the butterflies at Thanksgiving Point and play with Grandma and Grandpa. 

Well plans changed. Dramatically. 

I still look forward to that day when it's safe to fly again and my parents can come visit and we can do all those activities. 

Instead we played at home under quarantine. 

Opened presents via facetime(hard to juggle helping opening presents, responding and balancing the phone) and ate homemade cake. 

Berkeley is our little scooter. Crawling very little, scooting and lot, and standing and pulling herself up all over the place. 

She is the happiest little thing. Loves eating noodles, peas and freeze dried yogurt pieces. 

She loves being around other people and kids especially. 

Reading books captures her attention and flipping the pages herself is an old accomplishment.

Pulling herself up and walking along couches, tables and walls is an easy task. 

Any day she could start walking.... but until then she continues to fuss when we try to get her to practice walking. She is quick to let us know the ball is in her court. 

She mostly sleeps through the night and is drinking whole milk nowadays.

We are homebodies to begin with, but even quarantine has me longing for our old life. 

Coronavirus has hit the world in a way we could have never imagined, or ever even dreamed of. 

Airports are empty, parking lots desolate and uncertainty rampant. 

It's so hard not to be scared. In fact, the first week of quarantine, I was hardly eating and stressed out. My back and shoulders were holding all my stress which felt like 100 lbs. of weight crushing down on me. 

But the more information I've read, the more I've gotten into this new work from home routine, the more inspirational messages from the church, and the more fervent personal prayers I've had.... the stress has eased. 

Uncertainty still exists, but now we just take it one day at a time. 

I still mourn our prior life. Yesterday we cancelled our Europe trip.... yes the one that was specifically meant for this time of year to see the tulips. 

But, it's fun to have something to always look forward to, no matter if we know the date or not. 

We are staying positive, eating lots of takeout, doing a lot of facetime and marco polo calls and hoping for sunny weather so we can go on plenty of walks. 

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