Tuesday, August 29, 2017


August is a hard month... it's Sunday of summer. The last month that you really just want to enjoy, but then you get sad that fall is almost here. 

But the temps have been warm and the AC has been blasting, so I'll just keep the summer vibes going. 

I had a long week last week full of travel. We headed to Kentucky for 2 days, and then spent 2 days in Denver. They were long days full of meeting with clients and media. I'm probably a baby but work trips are so exhausting. 
Since I knew we'd be exhausted on the way back, I booked first class tickets... that's the perk of booking the travel :) so we got to breeze through security and be the first off the plane. 

I've also become a resident airplane-R. I won't step on a plane without a water bottle, Xanax, neck pillow, ear plugs and eye mask. It's the real deal. 

Speaking of summer, I'm savoring the snow cone shack up the road, Aaron is a good sport to go with me. 
 We've had 2 more Gus events in the past week that have been a success! On the way back to Saratoga to drop Gus off at Spence and Lexi's, we had a scary encounter. I was following the VW per usual when I noticed a truck was following me. So Aar pulled off to see if it would follow and it did.... we kept going prepared to stop at the Walmart parking lot where plenty of people would be. We gunned it and luckily lost the truck so we hurried to Spence and Lexi's and shut the garage door. I was shaking for a couple minutes, but everything turned out alright. 
 Madi is in town and I love that she's always up for anything. So we hiked Mount Olympus Saturday. 
 Turns out Mt. O is about 9-10 miles round trip. I'm a little sore, but it was good to get out and spend time together.
Aaron is getting into a fitness mood... I can't complain, but the past couple of days we've been doing two-a-days. We wake up at 5:30 before work and go to the gym for an hour. He's been great and has been making breakfast while I shower so I can't complain. After work we head back to the gym and zonk out at 10 pm since we've been up alllll day long. 

As if Aar and I don't travel enough... we booked some cheap flights to China over Thanksgiving! I'm super excited! We booked our hotel and have a short outline of what we want to do and see.. but we need to figure this whole Visa situation out soon. 

But before China I have about 12 more trips coming up to worry about.... Kentucky and a Denver event for work, and Chicago with Aaron in September. October we have Kentucky, Denver and a Utah work event and ITALY! Busy or bust! 

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